This JavaScript code defines a counter object with methods to get the current value, increment, and decrement the counter. It also provides a function to create a fixed counter, which increments or decrements by a fixed value.
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The counter is implemented using a JavaScript closure, which allows the counter value to be private and only accessible through the provided methods. The 'getFixedCounter' function creates a new counter that increments or decrements by a fixed value 'k'. This is achieved by calling the 'changeBy' method of the original counter with 'k' or '-k' as the argument.
const counter = (function counter() {let value = 0;return {getValue: function() {return value;},changeBy: function (k) {value += k;}}})();function getFixedCounter(k) {let myCounter = counter;return {increment: () => {myCounter.changeBy(k);},decrement: () => {myCounter.changeBy(-k);},getValue: () => {return myCounter.getValue();}}};console.log(counter.getValue());counter.changeBy(10);counter.changeBy(20);console.log(counter.getValue());
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