The problem at hand involves a list of orders and a certain amount of resources. The goal is to determine how many of these orders can be filled given the available resources. Each order has a cost associated with it, and the resources available are limited. The orders are filled in ascending order of their cost, and the process stops when there are not enough resources to fill the next order.
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The solution to this problem involves sorting the list of orders in ascending order of cost. Then, a loop iterates through the sorted list, filling each order if there are enough resources available. The cost of each filled order is subtracted from the total resources. The process stops when there are not enough resources to fill the next order. The function returns the total number of orders filled.
import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
def filledOrders(order, k):
ans = 0
for x in order:
if x <= k:
ans += 1
k -= x
return ans
if __name__ == '__main__':
fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
order_count = int(input().strip())
order = []
for _ in range(order_count):
order_item = int(input().strip())
k = int(input().strip())
result = filledOrders(order, k)
fptr.write(str(result) + '
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