This Java program is designed to solve a problem in the context of a marketing strategy. The problem involves a string of characters, where each character represents a certain status. The goal is to alternate the statuses in the string by swapping characters. The program calculates the minimum number of swaps needed to achieve this.
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The solution works by considering two possible starting points for the alternation: starting with 'S' or starting with 'R'. For each starting point, it calculates the number of swaps needed to achieve the alternation. It does this by iterating over the string and counting the number of characters that do not match the expected character at each position. The minimum number of swaps between the two starting points is then returned as the solution.
public class MarketingStrategy {
public static int minimumSwaps(String status) {
return Math.min(
private static int minSwapsStartingWithS(String status) {
return swaps(status, 0, 'S') + swaps(status, 1, 'R');
private static int minSwapsStartingWithR(String status) {
return swaps(status, 1, 'S') + swaps(status, 0, 'R');
private static int swaps(String string, int start, char character) {
int swaps = 0;
for (int index = start ; index < string.length() ; index += 2) {
if (string.charAt(index) != character) {
return swaps;
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