This script is designed to analyze the sales data of products in different cities. It uses data from multiple tables including 'invoice', 'product', 'customer', and 'city'. The goal is to understand the distribution of product sales across different cities, which can be useful for business analysis and strategic planning.
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The script works by joining multiple tables together. It first joins the 'invoice_item' table with the 'product' table based on the product ID. Then it joins this with a subquery that combines the 'invoice' and 'customer' tables, again based on matching IDs. The result is a list of products, their total sales, and the city in which those sales occurred. The script then orders the results by the total sales in descending order. The second solution follows a similar approach but uses a different syntax and includes a GROUP BY clause to aggregate the sales by city and product.
SELECT invoice.city_name, product.product_name, invoice_item.line_total_price FROM invoice_item as invoice_item JOIN product as product ON invoice_item.product_id = JOIN ( SELECT, customer.city_name FROM invoice as invoice JOIN ( SELECT,city.city_name FROM customer as customer LEFT JOIN city as city ON customer.city_id = )as customer ON invoice.customer_id = ) as invoice ON invoice_item.invoice_id = ORDER BY invoice_item.line_total_price DESC; SELECT CI.city_name, PR.product_name, ROUND(SUM(INV_I.line_total_price), 2) AS tot FROM city as CI, customer as CU, invoice as INV, invoice_item as INV_I, product as PR WHERE = CU.city_id AND = INV.customer_id AND = INV_I.invoice_id AND INV_I.product_id = GROUP BY CI.city_name, PR.product_name ORDER BY tot DESC, CI.city_name, PR.product_name ;
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