In the context of a platform where hackers participate in challenges, there is a need to identify unique participants. These unique participants are either those who have participated in the maximum number of challenges or those who have a unique count of challenges that no other hacker has.
CodeRankGPT is a tool powered by GPT-4 that quietly assists you during your coding interview, providing the solutions you need.
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The SQL code first joins the Hackers and Challenges tables based on the hacker_id. It then groups the data by hacker_id and name, and counts the number of challenges for each hacker. The HAVING clause is used to filter the groups based on whether the total count of challenges is either the maximum count or a unique count. The maximum count is determined by ordering the counts in descending order and selecting the top one. The unique count is determined by grouping the counts and selecting those that appear only once.
select H.hacker_id,, count(C.challenge_id) as total_count
from Hackers H join Challenges C
on H.hacker_id = C.hacker_id
group by H.hacker_id,
having total_count =
select count(temp1.challenge_id) as max_count
from challenges temp1
group by temp1.hacker_id
order by max_count desc
limit 1
or total_count in
select distinct other_counts from (
select H2.hacker_id,, count(C2.challenge_id) as other_counts
from Hackers H2 join Challenges C2
on H2.hacker_id = C2.hacker_id
group by H2.hacker_id,
) temp2
group by other_counts
having count(other_counts) =1)
order by total_count desc, H.hacker_id
If you have a HackerRank coding test coming up, you can use CodeRankGPT to your advantage. It will assist you during your interview and help ensure you get the job.
AI is here now, and other candidates might be using it to get ahead and win the job. 🧐
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