The script is a solution to a problem that requires the use of a deque data structure from the collections module in Python. The problem involves performing various operations on a deque, such as appending elements to either end and popping elements from either end.
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The script first initializes an empty deque. It then enters a loop where it reads commands from the user. Depending on the command, it either appends an element to the right or left end of the deque, or pops an element from the right or left end. After all commands have been processed, it prints the elements of the deque from left to right.
import collections
n = int(input())
d = collections.deque()
for _ in range(n):
cmd = list(input().strip().split())
opt = cmd[0]
if opt == "append":
elif opt == "appendleft":
elif opt == "pop":
elif opt == "popleft":
for i in d:
print(i, end=" ")
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