Covariant Return Types HackerRank Solution

In Java, Covariant Return Type denotes that the return type of the overriding method in the child class can be a subtype of the return type declared in the original overridden method of the parent class. This code provides an example of this concept by defining a parent class 'Flower' and its child classes 'Jasmine', 'Lily', and 'Lotus'. It also defines a parent class 'State' and its child classes 'WestBengal', 'Karnataka', and 'AndhraPradesh'. Each state class overrides the 'yourNationalFlower' method to return a specific type of flower.

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Here is the Covariant Return Types HackerRank Solution HackerRank solution using CodeRankGPT:

The solution uses inheritance and method overriding to demonstrate Covariant Return Types. The 'Flower' class has a method 'whatsYourName' that is overridden in each of its subclasses to return the name of the specific flower. Similarly, the 'State' class has a method 'yourNationalFlower' that is overridden in each of its subclasses to return a new instance of a specific flower. This way, when the 'yourNationalFlower' method is called on an instance of a specific state, it returns a flower that is specific to that state.


public class CovariantReturnTypes {
 * main code starts from here** */
	class Flower{
	    public String whatsYourName(){
	        return "I have many names and types.";
	class Jasmine extends Flower{
	    public String whatsYourName(){
	        return "Jasmine";
	class Lily extends Flower{
	    public String whatsYourName(){
	        return "Lily";
	class Lotus extends Flower{
	    public String whatsYourName(){
	        return "Lotus";
	class State{
	    Flower yourNationalFlower(){
	        return new Flower();
	class WestBengal extends State{
	    Jasmine yourNationalFlower(){
	        return new Jasmine();
	class Karnataka extends State{
	    Lotus yourNationalFlower(){
	        return new Lotus();
	class AndhraPradesh extends State{
	    Lily yourNationalFlower(){
	        return new Lily();
	     * main code ends here  */

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