This Python program is designed to parse an HTML string and print out its tags, attributes, and attribute values. It uses the built-in HTMLParser module from Python's standard library to accomplish this task. The user is prompted to input the HTML string, which is then fed into a custom HTML parser.
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The solution works by creating a custom HTML parser that inherits from Python's built-in HTMLParser class. This custom parser overrides the handle_starttag and handle_startendtag methods to print the tag name and handle its attributes. The attributes are handled by the handle_attrs method, which iterates over each attribute pair and prints the attribute name and value. The HTML string is read from the standard input, joined into a single string, and then fed into the custom HTML parser.
from html.parser import HTMLParser
class CustomHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
def handle_attrs(self, attrs):
for attrs_pair in attrs:
print("->", attrs_pair[0].strip(), ">", attrs_pair[1].strip())
n = int(input())
html_string = "".join(input() for _ in range(n))
customHTMLParser = CustomHTMLParser()
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