Exception Handling Solution

The problem context involves creating a method in Java that calculates the power of a number. However, the method should throw an exception if either the base or the exponent is negative, as these are not valid inputs for this particular problem.

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Here is the Exception Handling Solution HackerRank solution using CodeRankGPT:

The solution approach is straightforward. The method 'power' takes two integers as parameters, 'n' and 'p', representing the base and the exponent respectively. It then checks if either 'n' or 'p' is negative. If so, it throws an Exception with a suitable message. If not, it uses the Math.pow function to calculate and return the result of 'n' raised to the power of 'p'.

package com.javaaid.hackerrank.solutions.languages.java.exceptionhandling;

public class JavaExceptionHandling {
	int power(int n, int p) throws Exception {

		if (n < 0 || p < 0) {
			throw new Exception("n and p should be non-negative");
		} else {
			return (int) Math.pow(n, p);



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