Nested Lists Problem

This Python program deals with the problem of handling and processing nested lists. The context of the problem is a school grading system where student names and their corresponding scores are taken as input. The goal is to find the students who have the second lowest score.

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Here is the Nested Lists Problem HackerRank solution using CodeRankGPT:

The solution works by first taking the number of students as input and then for each student, their name and score are taken as input. These are stored in a nested list where each inner list represents a student and contains their name and score. The scores are also stored separately in a list. The unique scores are sorted and the second element from this sorted list is the second lowest score. A list comprehension is used to find the students who have this score and their names are sorted. Finally, the names of these students are printed, each on a new line.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    students = []
    scores = []
    for _ in range(int(input())):
        name = input()
        score = float(input())
        student = [name, score]
    second_min_score = sorted(set(scores))[1]
    student_names = sorted(
        [student[0] for student in students if student[1] == second_min_score]

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