This Python script is designed to solve a problem of finding all occurrences of two or more vowels in a string, surrounded by consonants. The user inputs a string, and the script uses regular expressions to find the desired patterns.
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The solution works by using Python's built-in 're' module, which provides support for regular expressions. The 'findall' function is used with a regular expression pattern that matches two or more vowels (AEIOUaeiou) surrounded by consonants. The pattern uses lookbehind and lookahead assertions to ensure that the vowels are surrounded by consonants. If any matches are found, they are printed out. If no matches are found, -1 is printed.
import re
s = input()
result = re.findall(r"(?<=[QWRTYPSDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm])([AEIOUaeiou]{2,})(?=[QWRTYPSDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm])",s,)
if result:
for i in result:
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