Validating Postal Codes solved

This Python program is designed to validate postal codes. The validation is based on two conditions: the postal code must be a six digit number not starting with zero, and it should not contain more than one alternating repetitive digit pair.

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Here is the Validating Postal Codes solved HackerRank solution using CodeRankGPT:

The solution uses regular expressions to validate the postal codes. The 'range_check' verifies that the postal code is a six digit number not starting with zero. The 'repeat_check' ensures that the postal code does not contain more than one alternating repetitive digit pair. If both conditions are met, the postal code is considered valid.

import re

p = input().strip()
range_check = bool(re.match(r"^[1-9][0-9]{5}$", p))
repeat_check = len(re.findall(r"(?=([0-9])[0-9]\1)", p))
print(range_check == True and repeat_check < 2)

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